A Call for a Convention of States
March 23, 2021
As I mentioned in my last ‘Disturbing Societal Trends’ blog, the burden is really on the State Legislatures to clean up the election…
Societal Trends – Crossing the Threshold into Communism
February 10, 2021
Conclusion Maybe slightly melodramatic – however, it seems clear that Jan’21 marked the time when the US officially crossed the threshold…
2020 Election
December 7, 2020
The half of the country that is being ‘informed’ by only the legacy media has essentially no idea of the degree of fraud that occurred in…
The ‘Bail Project’ — Who’s Funding and Supporting the Riots?
October 13, 2020
It’s obvious the nightly riots across the US are not spontaneous, and that they can only occur with very heavy financial and logistical…
Statue of Liberty Anniversary
June 17, 2020
On this date in 1885, the Statue of Liberty, a gift from France to America, arrived in New York Harbor after being shipped across the…
First Time Gun Buyer Phenomenon
April 28, 2020
We have seen a number of reports lately about significantly increased gun purchases, the majority by First-Time Gun Buyers (FTGB). There…
School & Church Staff with Guns: The Realities about Cost & Training
February 17, 2020
Arming and training teachers and school staff is an effort that is not taken lightly. The reality is that arming volunteer school staff can…
Safety initiatives: Exploring Mental Health and Armed Staff Programs in Colorado Schools
November 19, 2019
School shootings are an unfortunate reality for some students across the fifty-states leaving Colorado not immune. The most recent shooting…
Failures at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
October 16, 2019
Before the Shooting The school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018 resulted in the…
Arming School Staff
September 25, 2019
Data shows schools that allow trained staff to carry guns are much safer than those that don’t. The national debate on whether or not to…